Jan 23, 2011

Cheesy Movie of the Week #5- "Grease 2"

So, Grease 2 is the sequel to the classic, era-defining musical Grease (which actually managed to define both the 80's with its cast and production style, and the 50's with its settings and characters). It stars the incredibly talented Michelle Pfeiffer, who has played a plethora of diverse, complex roles (I am Sam, Dangerous Liasons), and is one of the most cherished stars of American cinema.
What do we get?

"I want a cool rider... a rider that's cooooool. Yeah. Cooooooooool rider, coooooooooool rider. If he's cool enough, he can burn me through and through."
I know I usually don't throw in quotes until the end, but that pretty much sums up the cheese of the sequel to the classic musical Grease. And the singer to those lines? You guessed it... Michelle Pfeiffer. If you ever wanted to see Catwoman/ the lawyer from I am Sam singing a song with English so bad that it sounds like it was poorly translated from Japanese (or if you want to now), then at least youtube this song. You will laugh. Alot.
The plot is a simple distaff counterpart (if you don't know what that means, look it up on tv tropes and then ruin your life) of the original Grease. Instead of innocent Australian girl falling for bad boy, then becoming bad girl at the end, it's innocent English boy falling for bad girl, then becoming a bad biker guy to impress her. Full of forgettable, super corny songs like the aforementioned "cool rider", a bucketload of cheesy dialogue, and a plot so predictable it will make any viewer feel smart, Grease 2 will make you laugh many a time. Also, despite having a really cheesy script and soundtrack to work with, Pfeiffer actually does a really good acting job (although I don't think she has an bone in her body that's not super talented), and co-star Max Caulfield does a decent job. Didi Conn making an appearance was great for nostalgia's sake if nothing else (once again, amazing actress hurt by having a bad script to work with).

Speaking of said script, funny quote time... the dialogue is a cheesefest:
Michael: I wanted to ask if you're free after school today
Stephanie: I'm free everyday... it's in the constitution

Sharon: We're going to die, and I'm wearing my mother's underwear!

Paulette: I wouldn't fool around with mother nature if I were you (referring to plastic surgery)
Sharon: You fool around with everyone else!

Michael: Howdy fellas, let's bowl some balls!

Johnny: I'm giving her therapy for her disease... nymphoid mania! (another wah wah)

Overall, don't expect another Grease from Grease 2, but do expect awesome cheese, and some good laughs at the poor film's expense. I would reccommend the film if your looking for something funny and cheesy to watch, but not overwhelmingly: however, I would reccomend with all my being that you watch a video of cool rider... that song alone is worthy of my heartfealt reccommendation.
However, if you want to buy it (wouldn't be a waste of money, like I said, it's funny) you can get it here:

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