Dec 28, 2010

Cheesy Movie of the Week #1- "Satisfaction"

So, I’ve decided that I’m going to add a regular, weekly segment to my blog. I have been having trouble being consistent with my blog updates, and I figured a weekly segment would add some more regularity to my blog schedule (basically, it’s the fibre to my blog’s bowels).

Therefore, I present to you the first installment of “Cheesy movie of the week”. It shall have updates for every Monday, and will hopefully inspire you to expand your knowledge of the amazing medium that is cheesy movies. Basically, I am a huge fan of movies that know how to make fun of themselves, or manage to do so without realizing it, and I believe that more people should give this beautiful medium the chance it deserves, and undergo the great experience it provides.

Also, please note that I tend to refer to actor names in place of character names, as it helps people who haven’t seen the movie better understand what I’m talking about.
So, without further adieu, I present to you cheesy movie number one: “Satisfaction”. Have you ever wanted to watch Justine Bateman (Mallory from Family Ties and alliterated sister of the more famous Jason) awkwardly jump around a stage while (equally awkwardly) trying to hit a cowbell with a drumstick and sing poorly? How about Britta Phillips (real-life talented musician, yet somehow not considered as good as Justine in the film) playing a cross between Melody from Josie and the Pussycats and Courtney Love (If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. Then overdose on drugs and try to kill yourself!)? Along with a pre-pretty woman Julia Roberts who is as uncomfotable in her role as the audience is watching Justine perform? And then see them in a mediocre, classic rock cover band (called “the Mystery” hired by Liam Neeson, playing a middle-aged man who falls in love with the teenage Justine?

If you ever had that bizzarely specific wish (or if you have that wish after reading the above paragraph, which I definitely would), then Satisfaction is for you!!!! Produced by Aaron Spelling (seriously), this 1988 film will make you laugh so much, you’ll almost forget you’re watching a teenager fall in love with an old man. Billed as a ‘drama’ on Wikipedia, but a comedy in reality, the movie tries so many times to make you cry or become emotional towards the characters, but the only tears will be tears of laughter as the scenes become side-splitting humour (with the exception of the drug overdose, which provides some mild discomfort, but it is done so poorly it is over before it can kill your mood.)

Basically, if you have a sense of humour, watch Satisfaction. It is pretty funny when it tries to be, and incredibly funny when it tries not to be, and no humour is better than unintentional humour. Probably the best thing Justine Bateman has ever done, this movie has provided me with tons of enjoyment, and I would reccomend it to you all.

Some favourite moments (besides the aforementioned cowbell) include when the awkward cowbell player/ mediocre singer gets offered a record deal: Provided she drops her band containing a classically trained pianist and significantly better singer than her, and a scene with Justine running away from Liam on the beach after a fight, squealing “noooooooooooooooooo” like a little kid who just got denied Ice Cream. Also awesome is Britta talking to a dog, which leads to best quotes:
Favourite quotes:
Britta (to a dog): “Wanna know what it’s like to be me dog? No? Well, I’m gonna tell you anyway. Being me is like… being me is like… ah geez I forget”
“Bulgaria’s not in Europe!”, and later “Ahh forget it. None of us speak European anyway”
Justine: Where’s the dip?
Britta: All the dips are dancing
Anyway, It's good. That’s all. If you wanna watch it, but don't own it/can't find it, here it is for fairly cheap:

1 comment:

  1. I Love the Fave Quotes Steve!!!
    “Bulgaria’s not in Europe!”, and later “Ahh forget it. None of us speak European anyway”
